EcoSeal - Roof Waterproofing & Painting Contractors
M (083) 309 8164
EcoSeal Group (Pty.) Ltd
605 Rubenstein Dr, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044
DampEnd has excellent adhesion to bitumen-based systems making it ideal to be used for maintenance on torch-on waterproofing systems.
DampEnd is also an excellent waterproofing system that can be used under artificial turf or decking on balconies & roof slabs.
Torch On waterproofing or also known as torch-down roofing has been a very popular method of sealing & waterproofing flat roofs and concrete roof slabs.
If correctly installed it could last for up to 15 years but it does require maintenance. If no maintenance was done on the torch on the system, it can start to crack, overlaps can delaminate and outlets separate from the substrate. To remove and redo the waterproofing is very expensive.
The HydroSeal & DampEnd waterproofing system offers a long-lasting solution at a competitive price.
This waterproofing solution will renew the torchon system and is easily maintained.
To waterproof cement dams and ponds products that are flexible & rubber-like that cures into a waterproof coating are normally used. But for fish ponds and drinking water a non-toxic, non-leaching solution is essential.
The waterproofing system from EcoSeal that incorporates HydroSeal HF & DampEnd was designed to be hard-wearing, flexible & completely eco-friendly. The binders in the product were designed with no harmful chemicals and will not affect aqua life in any way.
To waterproof a cement dam or a fish pond the following steps must be followed.
In warm weather conditions allow 48 hours for the system to completely dry out before adding water.
It is very important to correctly waterproof a balcony to prevent water damage and massive headaches down the line. Bituminous membranes were the most popular system used to waterproof under the substrate of terraces and balconies but this has all changed in the last couple of years.
The waterproofing system from EcoSeal that incorporates HydroSeal HF & DampEnd are being used with great success when it comes to waterproofing under tiles, terraces and balconies.
The waterproof system can be applied directly onto the screed of the slab and once dry you can tile directly on the system or cover it with synthetic grass.
To waterproof a balcony, the following steps must be followed:
The DampEnd cementitious waterproofing coatings is a two-part mixed system (Dry & Liquids) and is applied as a single or double coat application, mainly used for waterproofing the internal skin of cavity walls, as a barrier coating in damp repair work or as an adhesion layer over torch-on, bitumen-based systems or where exposed brickwork needs to be filled, replacing the need to do “bag wash” plaster.
It is used to provide positive and negative side waterproofing protection on concrete and masonry surfaces. DampEnd prevents damage from water infiltration and resist mould and mildew.
To seal a torch down roof you have two options.
Option one is to redo the torch on system with new torchon or option two is to renew, seal and maintain the existing torch-on system with a hardwearing, long-lasting, UV stable, acrylic waterproofing system.
The HydroSeal & DampEnd waterproofing system can be used to renew and maintain existing torch-on systems.
To get started apply two coats of DampEnd. Re-enforced joints, overlaps and outlets with stitch-bonded polyester membrane. Apply the membrane with Repello. Once dry the complete surface is covered with three layers of HydroSeal HF to create a seamless waterproofing coating that is long-lasting and UV resistant. If required the covered area can also be painted with normal roof paint.
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